Friday, January 30, 2015

Friendly Friends

I just love my friends. Every single one of them. They help me be better. A better example and a better person in general. THEY ARE SO COOL!!!! I don't thank them enough. I love the thought that I can turn to any one of them and they would support me in anything.

Something one of my very best friends has mentioned is the thought of "pre-mortal besties." It's totally true. Have you ever met someone and you thought "Man, this person is so cool! I totally want to be their friend"? Well, you were probably friends in the premortal life. I believe, without a doubt, that all of my friends were my very best friends before this life. They were sent to me at this time for a reason and they help me so much.

Well, I love you guys! Thank you so much! The next time you see a friend of yours, hug them. They deserve it.

Stay frosty!



Riley showing off his rarely-seen pearly whites! And the temple <3

We convinced Tyler to let us straighten his hair!

Winter Formal!

Zoey and I after our MCO concerts!

Kaylee and Emily and I at McDonalds after our Choir and Orchestra concerts!

Ellie, Emily and I! <3 One of my favorite pictures. I can't actually figure out how to fix the orientation.

Homecoming collage! So much fun.

Emily and Tyler!

When Ellyse came home from Europe!

Emily's surprise party!

My awesome surprise waffle party for my 16th birthday!

Andrew carried me to the door for my waffle party because my legs were sore from cross country practice. Such a gentleman.

2 out of the 4 caballo creed members. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Look to Him

When I lose myself within the world,
He reaches out His hand to me.
When my days are full of dark and gloom,
He pulls me through it willingly.

Inspiring me to be like Him,
He whispers to my every thought.
It doesn't matter where I've been,
He helps me give all that I've got.

Within the tough times of life, He cares.
Within my trials, He comes and says:
"Remember, be grateful, Christlike and true.
And I always promise I won't forget you."

Because of Him, I know I'm safe.
Because of Him, my heart doesn't ache.
"You're not alone," He says to me,
Through that voice talking quietly.

The sun shines more and more each day.
Each day I learn, each day I see.
I see more blessings in disguise,
I learn of Him who is on High.

His loving grace ascends to me,
He powers all eternity.
This I know with all of my heart,
When I think of Him, I don't fall apart.

He was born in the most humble way,
So that I could live and start to say:
"I love thee, Lord, and always will.
Thy love consumes me; I am filled."

He is my light, my saving grace.
He shows me to the better days.
Forever in His debt I'll be,
The Lord of all, the King of kings.

His love consumes my every limb,
And when I'm sad, I look to Him.

Emmalee Flake

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Life is.. well, life. It sucks, it's hard, but it's all worth it in the end. Or is it?

I'm here to tell you that it is!!

Life stinks. It just does. So many heartaches, broken promises, and lonely nights fill the cracks and crevices of life. But, looking at the whole picture, you can't see the cracks. 

In all reality, what we will remember are the fun, joyful moments in life. I made my sister a pillowcase 4 years ago for Christmas, and she was happy to return the favor this past Christmas. Definitely a tender moment I won't forget. The friends you had in elementary and middle school may have gone away, but the fun memories won't. 

Your education is pretty much the only useful thing from 12+ years of school. Sure, you had tons of friends that will keep in touch, but the most important thing is family. After you start a family, that will be your life. The moment you get married to the love of your life, the first time you hear your child laugh, the moment you send them away to school, that's what makes life worth it. The trials and challenges you have now? Grin and bear it. God gives them to you because He knows you can handle it. 1 Corinthians 10:13. 

“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.” 

Jeffrey R. Holland has some wise words. 

Life is worth it. I promise. 

It might not make sense now, but it will eventually. Just trust God. He knows what He's doing!


Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome to my lovely, little blog!

My name is Emmalee. Welcome to my lovely, little blog. 

To start off, I love to take pictures. I aspire to be a photographer. I also love to sing. I also aspire to be a professional singer. (Not like Taylor Swift... More like Calee Reed. Look her up!) I'm the 3rd child of 5 kids, 3 brothers and 1 sister. 

Right to left: Jacob, Jordan, my dad James, my mom Eva, Me, Elizabeth, and Jonathan in the front.

My oldest brother, Jordan, is in Hungary at the moment, serving a full-time mission for the LDS church. (I run a blog for him, He's smart, studious, dedicated, and my personality twin, so my mom says. 
My other older brother, Jacob, is kind of a punk. Typical 17-year-old. (He turns 18 this weekend) He's super fun, argumentative, and witty. I love having him around, I just wish he actually was around more. 
Then there's me. A 16-year-old girl trying to be the happiest I can in the midst of this messed-up world we live in. (I still have faith in humanity) 
My younger brother, Jonathan, is optimistic, temperamental at home, overdramatic, and all-around interesting. He is also in a wheelchair. He has spina bifida. Basically, how I explain it to people, his spine is in the shape of an S, paralyzing him from the waist down. He also has fluid on his brain, I'm not totally sure how to explain it. He is a slow learner and is extremely hard to reason with. 
My youngest sister, the caboose of our family, is Elizabeth. She's feisty, overdramatic, fun, lazy, and every characteristic that describes the baby of the family. 

And I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the Mormon church, as we're more commonly known. I have a passion for the scriptures. All of the books, not just a couple. The Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine & Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. One of my all-time favorite scriptures was an inspiration for the title of this blog, Doctrine & Covenants 6:34.

"Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail."

Now I don't want to preach to you or anything, I just want to express my feelings. 
We are all sheep. *cue the bleats*
Jesus is our shepherd.
Therefore, We are all sheep of Christ.
Because He is our master, we can do anything. 
(Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.)
In all honesty, we shouldn't be scared of anything. You've heard the saying, "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself." That's true, as long as you replace fear itself with God. (I once read in the scriptures that Fear of God is also Reverence. Interesting. (Sorry, I go on lots of tangents)) God is all-powerful and wants the best for us. It must hurt Him so bad when we choose wrongly and choose a different path than He wants. God could make us choose the right all the time, but He gave us free agency

It's a beautiful gift, really. 

He gives us the option to choose whatever we want. He lets us choose if we want to sleep in instead of going to school or work. He lets us choose if we want to brush our teeth or not in the morning. He lets us choose if we want to worship Him or not. He lets us choose if we want to have an attitude of gratitude or a cranky, ungrateful one. He lets us choose if we want to bully another one of His children or stand up for our friends. He lets us choose everything. 

It's our job to discern right from wrong. 

But, He has left us resources. We can ask for His help anytime. All we need to do is knock. Ask. Pray. It's simple, yet most people avoid the thought of an All-Powerful Being that we can talk to. (I don't get that. But I'll save that for another post) 

He controls when we come into this life, and when we leave. If you're ever afraid for your life, just trust God. He can help you and protect you. If it's your time to go, it's your time to go. That's something I've learned for myself over the past 6 months. 

Scared of giving a speech in front of a bunch of people? Don't be. They probably won't remember how you talk or what you say. They'll only remember how they felt in your presence. 
Afraid of dogs attacking you? Don't be. Our gracious Heavenly Father will protect you. If a dog does hurt you, it's all a part of His master plan. Trust that everything that happens to you, every little thing, is a part of His plan. You might not understand it until much later. 
Worried about how others think of you? Don't be. We are all children of loving Heavenly Parents. Don't worry about how cute you look today, no one's going to remember how you looked 1 week from now. 

What we need to worry about is the impact we leave on those we come into contact with. When I was growing up, I wanted to inspire others. I wanted to help others. I wanted to save someone's life through the words I say. I wanted to be an example to others.

Now that I've grown up some, (I've still got a lot of growing up still to do) I know that because of the choices I've made, I have inspired others. Multiple people have thanked me for changing their lives. They have thanked me for inspiring them, for being an example to them. I've become what I've always wanted to be.

Well, I'll get off my soap box. I just can't stop once I start! This is a small glimpse into my mind and what I think about every day. 

Welcome to my little, lovely blog!
