Sunday, May 24, 2015

Man's Extremity is God's Opportunity

Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like its more down than up. Today, church was amazing. We had stake conference and Elder Neil L. Anderson from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was there. I shook his hand afterwards. Super cool! The speakers focused more on the temple and its blessings. I got home and I just felt... bombarded. Alone, almost. I was confused and sad. I snapped at my family, and I didn't know how to explain my feelings. It sounds pathetic, I know. But I was down in the dumps, after listening to an Apostle of The Lord speak.

So, I prayed. That's always a good go-to. (The ideal go-to, actually)

After a heartfelt and sincere prayer, I started listening to a CES fireside talk by Jeffrey R. Holland, Lessons from Liberty Jail. (Click here to listen to the talk) We had reviewed some of it in Seminary and I wanted to listen to the full thing. SO worth it. Here are the Lessons we learn from Liberty Jail:

1. Everyone Faces Trying Times.

Sometimes life just seems perfect. Everything is ideal and you just want it to stay because it seems perfect. Then something happens. Whether that 'something' is an actual event that occurs that forces change, or your own feelings. There have been many times, such as what I expressed in the 1st paragraph, that I just feel so down and alone. I have to change somehow, whether that is becoming more spiritual or studying my scriptures more and just talking it out with someone. It happens. Life is never, EVER perfect.

Everyone has tough times, you just need to know where to turn during those tough times.

"If thou art called to pass through tribulation; if thou art in perils among false brethren. . .above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than He?" D&C 122:5-8

Man's extremity is God's opportunity. Let God mold you into what He needs you to be, especially during times of trial.

2. Even the Worthy Will Suffer

Just because you are good and righteous, doesn't mean God will only bless you with the very best. You will have trials, no matter how you act. You may have worse consequences if you aren't righteous, in fact. Just remember to be humble. Don't be caught in the pride cycle.

3. Remain Calm, Patient, Charitable, and Forgiving

It is vital to maintain peace through a trial. It will not only strengthen your faith, but prepare you for what else is to come. The same goes for charity. If you are charitable and forgiving during hard times, it will benefit you so immensely and prepare you for the future. And of course, patience is a virtue. I think everyone takes that for granted.

So, during sad times, or mad times, or depressing times, or just plain bad times, turn to the Savior. Remember what He can do for you. 

"Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever." D&C 122:9


I Am Not Perfect

I scream. I yell. I cry. I hit. I whine. I antagonize. I annoy. I defy. I argue. I'm not perfect. So why try? 

Well, for starters, the Savior did not atone for all mankind for nothing. 

Don't let His amazing, genuine, eternal gift go to waste. Use it! 

3 Nephi 12:48. Be ye perfect as I am. 

I gets hard. You just want to crawl in a hole and cry because your feelings are hurt or someone said something mean. Is what you're facing really that important and big? Are your hardships really exceeding that of the Savior's? Because He can help. 

A wise seminary teacher once told me that EVERYTHING will fail you. Except the Savior and His Atonement. 

So, yea I'm sad. Yea my feelings are hurt because my mom won't let me go do what I want right now. Yea I'm mad my sister is acting like a little kid. Yea I'm mad that my brother cussed me out for turning off the Xbox in the middle of his game and not letting him play. Yea I'm sad my friends aren't acting like I want them to. Yea I'm sad I'm not getting my way. Yea I'm mad I have to go to graduation tonight to sing some lame songs with my crappy choir teacher. Yea I'm sad that my best friend has hurt feelings. Yea I'm sad because I wanted a burrito today and never got it. 

But does all of this even matter in the long run? 

Look to your Savior. Find peace in Him. Realize your true potential. Love all those around you. 
